As my days at school before summer break are dwindling down, so is my food supply. With nothing more than odds and ends, I’m struggling to pull anything together to make an edible, not to mention cohesive, meal. I REFUSE to go grocery shopping, so I’m working with what I got, and surprisingly, I’ve come up with a few combinations that aren’t too bad!

In need of a filling breakfast to power me through finals and faced with a packet of original bland oatmeal. It was my goal to not only make it edible, but enjoyable. So here’s my solution:photo copy 11

3 Minute Cinnamon Banana Oatmeal


  • 1 packet of original instant oatmeal
  • Half a medium banana (sliced)
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon
  • A  few drops of agave nectar for taste
  • A handful of raisins (optional)


  1. Follow instructions on package of instant oats (concerning how much water to add, and time microwaving). After water and oats are combined, mix in cinnamon and agave.
  2. Microwave the instructed time.
  3. Remove from microwave. While still hot, add in raisins and banana slices.
  4. Let cool and enjoy!

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